This is an intro to the Christian Underground Journal via a DOS based program. I completed a sample version with this shareware product for evaluation and feedback. I did not use all the tools available with NEOBOOK only a simplified method to display text. Hypertext is not available with this product and printing has not been authorized for this version of the Journal simply because it is an evaluation copy. All the articles in this version that appear in the authorized version are close to the same. There are some graphical differences as well as some added text differences. But I feel the message is contained within the words of this copy as well. Enjoy, an please let me know what you think. In addition, I am always looking for writers who feel led to spread the gospel and to write about events that show a living Christ active in their life. If there is anyone interested please feel free to contact me on the Guiding Light BBS or you can contact me via America on Line for internet or if you are on AOL just MikeK72587. Your comments are welcome and will be appreciated, regardless of content. God Bless and merry Christmas.